Prevention, Outreach and Education Department
Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
This framework reflects our commitment to assist and support our university and community.
To fully understand the climate at various angles within the unit, identifying stakeholders is key.
Stakeholders may include people in formal leadership positions, informal leaders, logistical contacts, influencers, university partners, among others. Building trust is crucial and all perspectives and voices are vital to the process. This helps increase accuracy in storytelling of experiences within the climate of that unit.
Once data gathering sessions are completed, a summary of trends and themes will be created by the C&R Specialist for review by the unit. Often there is an opportunity for discussion and/or anonymous feedback around the trends and themes to ensure accuracy of the information. If any changes are required, those are made and incorporated into an executive summary.
At this point, the C&R Specialist will work collaboratively with the unit to develop recommendations and an implementation plan. The C&R Specialist will continue to be available to the unit as a guide and resource during the implementation phase.