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Resources for Faculty & Staff

Sample syllabus language

Michigan State University is committed to maintaining learning and working environments for all that are free of gender discrimination - including sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, relationship violence, and stalking. As a whole, we are devoted to promote a culture of respect, awareness, and compassion.

I understand that gender-based violence can undermine a student's academic success and I am committed to supporting survivors. According to university policies, I am considered a responsible employee and therefore required to report information that I witness or that is shared with me about incidences of sexual misconduct and relationship violence. I am here to listen and support survivors. If you would like to be connected with confidential and free resources, please review resources found on the Prevention, Outreach and Education Department website.

Trauma-informed teaching/classrooms:

Our goal at POE is to educate our community in understanding the impact of trauma on students and colleagues.

The Trauma Services and Training Network offers resources and learning opportunities to better understand, communicate, and address the impact of trauma at MSU and in the broader mid-Michigan community. The network strives to collaborate across disciplines to care for trauma survivors through the development of trauma-informed, evidence-based education, training and service.

For additional information, please visit their website.

Faculty and Staff brochure

Faculty & Staff POE Brochure