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There are various ways for undergraduate students to be involved in programs and initiatives through the POE Department. POE offers workshops that are mandatory for all students and also offers optional education and leadership opportunities.

All undergraduate students at MSU participate in mandatory Relationship Violence & Sexual Misconduct prevention trainings. First year and transfer students are asked to complete the SARV or Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence prevention workshop, second year students participate in Bystander Network, third year and above students as well as graduate students participate in online modules each year they are a student at MSU. As you move through your MSU journey, you'll participate in other workshops based on your academic class standing as illustrated in the chart below. The SARV Prevention and Bystander Network workshops are facilitated in person or live by POE Peer Educators

In addition to mandatory undergraduate workshops, students can participate in the many program and leadership opportunities that POE offers to undergraduate students.

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