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Field Placement Support Training


“Supporting Spartans in Field Placements”, covers MSU’s Mandatory Reporting Policy, how to respond to disclosures of harassment or discrimination, and sources of support for Spartans who experience harm in their field placement setting. The workshop is available as a 45-minute Zoom session intended for MSU faculty and staff who coordinate or supervise students at Field Placements sites.


The following sessions of the faculty/staff workshop have been scheduled for Fall 2024:

  • August 15th, 12pm
  • August 19th, 12pm
  • September 10th, 12pm
  • September 25th, 12pm
  • October 23rd, 12pm
  • October 28th, 12pm
  • November 14th, 12pm
  • November 18th, 12pm

To reserve a space in a faculty/staff training, please register here.


In addition to pre-scheduled offerings, the training is available by request here.

  • POE is also able to modify the training to fit into a 50-minute course to present to students any day instructors would otherwise need to plan to cancel a class.

If you have any questions about these programs, please contact or POE directly (